Saturday, 26 October 2013

Outfit Post: Kaleidoscope Skater Skirt

Outfit posts aren't my favourite to blog about, but I think it's about time for my first autumn OOTD. I picked up this gorgeous skater skirt yesterday in the USC sale for an absolute bargain of £3, and completely fell head over heals in love with it, so of course I just had to show you!

Besides the perceptible £3 price tag suspended from the hook of the hanger, the thing which I think drew me to this skirt was the amount of power that the colour had over the garment, as well as how vividly it wrought with the pattern, creating an abstract attire. I do love how the colours almost blend into eachother as they overlap, demonstrating an array of colours from the same pallet and how, even the dark colours seem to appear in soft tones, which then contrasts against the jagged points of the geometric, kaleidoscope shapes.
Quite often, I find that skater skirts are too flared around the back. However this one is a perfect fit and not too flared at all! I find the elastic waist band practical in the way that I can roll it down, as I've done here to alter the length.

I've teamed this with a plain salmon coloured sleeveless blouse, so as not to mix and clash patterns. I also thought that the shade of the colour would complement the colours used in the skirt. These black cutout ankle boots from New Look are my favourite pieces of footwear at the moment. The heels are enough to give you some extra height, yet they're still appropriate and comfortable to be spending the day in them. This purple biker jacket was another USC £3 bargain which I brought a few months ago. The colour has started to fade quite soon, but I find that it goes with most outfits and is suitable in a way of practicality.

Sleeveless Button Up Blouse - New Look
Purple Biker Jacket - USC
Cutout Ankle Boots - New Look

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