Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Tanya Burr Lipgloss

Now I know that this was a bit of a slow one for me, and I may seem completely and utterly behind with the times, but I quite recently realised something: I never got around to trying a Tanya Burr lipgloss. How? I have absolutely no idea.

Simply and subtly, the packaging appears to have a professional and sophisticated look, with the black top adding a slight dramatic effect. I love the soft typography of the words 'Tanya Burr' as I think that the swirly aspect gives it a smooth, feminine appeal.

I opted for the colour 'Chic', as I wanted a light and subtle shade for the summer months of the time which I bought it, and the colour was absolutely perfect for the shade that I wanted.. However, I will definitely be trying a darker colour for the up and coming Winter ahead of us.

With not being a particularly big lipgloss wearer (why? They're so sticky and never seem to last past 10 minutes), I am pleasantly surprised with how much I love and use this one. It lasts a jolly good while and, dare I say it, is not too sticky either! Perfect.

Have you tried any of Tanya Burr's lipglosses? Which colour is your favourite?

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