Monday, 4 May 2015

April Favourites

It really does feel like forever ago since I last posted, but, being in my second year of college - continuing with textiles and English Language whilst also fast tracking photography (not to mention the hour and a half commute) - the past few months have been busy, to say the least. But, with textiles and photography completed and out of the way, I am determined to get myself back into blogging again.

Duster Coat

Looking out of the window now, it's hard to believe the gorgeous weather we had just a few weeks ago. With those mild spring temperatures, this duster was the perfect outer layer. I picked it up in the new look winter sale a few months ago and have been dying to wear it ever since. A big fan of long-line coats, I love the cosy, comfortable length as well as the oversized pockets meaning that you can carry your phone, lipstick and keys without always needing to lug a bag around with you.


Rummaging through my wardrobe, I came across some old footwear that I realised I'd pushed aside over the winter months. Comfortable and casual, I used to live in my pairs of Vans before beginning to favour my ever-growing collection of boots. And, after wearing them once again, I can't seem to be able to take them off! I love styling them with the Topshop frilly socks too!

Dylon Dyes

My textiles exam prep mostly relied on dying fabric as I wanted a splattered, abstract ditribution of a number of colours as opposed to one plain fabric you would find in a fabric store. So I made a trip to my local fabric shop where I was advised to use dylon dyes. The packets' instructions state to dye the fabric in the washing machine, however, due to my desired, multi-comnplexioned effect, I shook the dyes in their powdered forms over soaking wet cotton, gaining a random splodge of colours. If using by hand however, I would strongly advise using gloves as mine reacted to the dyes, getting very cracked and sore!

Max Factor Lipstick

Having always favoured bolder eye makeup over a bold lip, I've recently become quite obsessed with lipsticks, particularly enjoying the shade 'raisin' from Max Factor. It's quite a dark colour with a matte finish so I tend to apply it thinly. It's longlasting and I will definitely be trying more shades from the Max Factor collection!

Pop Tarts

A completely random favourite, but I can't believe I only tried Pop Tarts a few weeks ago. I absolutely love them and can't help but allow them to take over my morning routine with breakfast!

What things have you been loving lately?

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